Blog mission statement.

This Blog is all about the building and flying of the Correx Mig-7 originally designed by Dave West

The Mig-7 is a scale R/C Aircraft constructed primarily of corrugated plastic and ply wood.

Comments and questions are very welcome.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


...THE BIG FIVE!!!...Migs....Darons second maiden, a Stinger 46...setting up with Andre. That was our weekend... flew ourselves DIZZY!! Thanx for viewing our blog. Please comment!! Regards Sean..........AKA.....Smiley :-)


...then we hit the slope... Morne loosing some film on his aileron...Jart, Mig and BOGIE....Darons Ventus on Maiden after rebuild....Migs...


 the morning the guys flew some electrics then some large scale....NOTE!! the dark clouds in the background...again the wind came through big time...


....our club chairman is such a sport, the guys that were "well oiled" carried him to the strip and tucked him in for his night sleep... whilst Markus and I got comfy in our "campers"....a rare shot of me.......and NO!!! it was not my beer!! I just grabed the nearest glass for the photo.


 the braai Saturday night, then Markus showed us to "land" a Siren in the trees and then the MONKEY in me came out...great in flight shot of the Mirage...


Despite not having rudder and a slight cross wind, Shaun did well to show us his EDF Jets ability..


Above.. getting ready to tuck in for the night...which only came at three in the morning..our awsome club house...Shauns Cap with the cowl on..

More pics.

More pics.

Above...The windsock tells the story...our club house...the guys "praying" to the glider to fly..she needed some repairs which were done and she was up in a short while.

Port Elizabeth Radio Flyers (PERF) sleep-over.

This week-end our power club held a sleep-over. Conditions were not in favour of flying model aircraft but hey, ROUGH SEAS MAKE GOOD SAILORS!! This was a spirit building event and it did just that for the guys that attended. Above.. Correx Mig-7 powered by a Saito Fa-125a, our great facilities..runway, Shauns Cap powered by a Moki 135 without the cowl as the engine was still being set. Sean.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Little bird

A Sunday afternoon… Boring but wait what’s that? Did I hear the trees moving in the wind? Yes, there is a bit of wind around. I made a quick call to see if Mike is keen to take a trip to the slope?

We arrive at Maitlands at about three o’ clock and there is very little wind about.

Mike is going to be the guinea pig with his Mazda Zagi.

His session was almost like watching a fishing competition. Catch and release or should I rather say release and catch. Needless to say that there was not enough wind to keep a Zagi aloft.

My turn now and it is going to be another maiden.

I won this glider at the Hermanus Slope competition last year in November. I don’t know what type it is or what it is called. It was already built up and I just needed to add servos, battery, receiver and horns.

But what I can tell is that its all up flying weight is 425 grams.

The launch was quite amazing for a maiden. She floated right out of my hand nice and easy. No real trim was necessary. I would like to add at this point, that the wind strength was hovering around 8 to 10 km/h - really light conditions.

No problem for this little bird. She floated quite happily along the ridge and managed to find enough lift to even keep good altitude after a loop.

The only criticism I have is with the ailerons. I found they were very sluggish and I definitely need to address that. A bigger servo horn or adjustment of the torque roads should do the trick. I use an old fashion 27 Mhz radio and therefore don’t have the luxury of digital adjustments.

This glider is a great addition to my hangar especially for these light days. I can see myself tearing up the slope where as my friends can only standby and watch, their big, fast planes grounded.

Last but not least, there is a doctored picture amongst the above photos.

See if you can spot it.

Hey, I just thought of a name for this plane. “Little bird” What do you guys think?

Enjoy the pics


Monday, January 18, 2010

A little larger, the file size that is!

Thanx to Shaun, Markus and Johann for all the photos!! I have left this pic a little larger so that you can see it a little better. Sorry for making the rest so small, I have limited broadband.