Blog mission statement.

This Blog is all about the building and flying of the Correx Mig-7 originally designed by Dave West

The Mig-7 is a scale R/C Aircraft constructed primarily of corrugated plastic and ply wood.

Comments and questions are very welcome.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Almost ready to maiden

Sexy? Aren’t they?


  1. Hi guys, Ive just found out about these planes :)
    I love your planes and your blog.
    And, yes they are sexy ......

    what is the weight of your soarers with radio gear installed ?

    Where I am in Australia I get told 2mm coro is not available, so Im making one completley out of 3mm.

  2. Hi there Thren. Thanx for the compliments. We hope our blog will help you discover the joys of flying PSS, Power Scale Soaring, with the advantages of a cheap and durable building material. Sorry to hear you cannot get 2mm where you are. This might be to your advantage though! To explain this and answer your question regarding the weight of the plane.... I have built more than 30 of these planes of all sizes. The most influencing factor is............YOUR SLOPE!! Where will you be flying your plane? Is the slope high? How strong does the wind blow up the slope? Is the wind direction straight up the slope or at an angle? What is the verticle resultant lift? Sorry if I am boring you with all these q's, but this will determine whether you will have to make a plan to get 2mm for the wings. I have always used 2mm for the wings. Whether it was for a 1200mm span or 2000mm span. If the answers to the above are all positive, then you can use 3mm for the wings, but save on weight everywhere else. On average a 1400mm span Mig7, with a 2mm thick correx wing, weighed 1.3kg. Hope I have answered your q! Please ask more q's anytime!! Send us some of your pics and I will post them on the blog. Regards. Sean

  3. Thanks for the reply, I will answer the questions as I can.

    I plan on flying it from a cliff over looking the Ocean, Where I live there are a few spots, The one Im figuring on using I would guess to be about 40 to 50 meters high.
    link to pic ""
    Hang gliders use the surrounding area when the wind is right for them.
    The wind as it want to do, blows at different strengths and directions here hehehe, but it is coming into summer and we get good easterlies blowing straight at the slope for the next 3 months or so.

    Which is why I decided to dust the RC gear out and try my hand at flying again.
    I used to fly nitro RC planes a few years ago, Ive never flown a glider.
    I started building the plane today, fulsage ready for glueing tail plaine done.
    I figured even if it was too heavy to soar, it would look good hanging on the wall, the 3mm coro sheet only cost me $17 AU, so no great loss if its a dud.

  4. Thren. I dought the slope in the pic will do the job for you. It could, but from here, with a 3mm thick correx wing, I do'nt think so. Normally when the hang gliders are around, the wind is too light. But hey, I know correx bounces well, so give it a try. Send us some pics of the plane. Regards. Sean
