Blog mission statement.

This Blog is all about the building and flying of the Correx Mig-7 originally designed by Dave West

The Mig-7 is a scale R/C Aircraft constructed primarily of corrugated plastic and ply wood.

Comments and questions are very welcome.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The above pic is of Johanns E-Mig which has flown but not in her new color scheme, So we look forward to seeing her in the air.
OK!! So my photo's are not in order......sorrry!! Neither is the text, so please just tollerate it for today as I am using Shauns laptop via his cell phone. Above Markus sporting his new Team Mig logo.

Above, an earlier model Mig, below Johanns Red Bull getting some good air.

Hi to all bloggers, we have had a rollercoaster ride from Port Elizabeth, ten o'clock, Thursday, to now, Friday 22h05 in Hermanus. This because we stopped at three slopes, which normally pump with wind, but nothing to fly with. The conditions at Hermanus were due East, no good for the main slope but ok for the smaller slope to the left. The pic above is on departing PE, below is Shaun flying the electric at Wilderness.

Below are pilots left to right, Markus, Daron and Johann.

We hope to get some decent sticktime in tomorrow, but we have not managed to get two weather sites on the net to predict the same forcast. So I guess thats a way of saying "we dont know what the wind in Hermanus is going to do!!" So time will tell. to bed I go and will update tomorrow evening again. Sean.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009



We just passed the Eersterivier turnoff, and if Sean would drive properly I'd be ab;e to type aboutb a rollercoaster ride.....

GPS says 174km to Wilderness slope.......bring it on....should be there by 14:00

will bring you further updates as the weekend unfolds....

SHAUN (note the correct spelling...)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

CHOW4NOW!! to you on Tuesday.

I-O-I-O-ITS-OFF-TO-HERMANUS-WE-GO!! ...........To all our Correx Mig-7 bloggers, we have counted the sleepies ....till we have one left! So tomorrow we are off to sail the slopes in the Cape. We will give a full report when we get back. Regards Sean.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

David Drowns, Escondido (San Diego County) California

David has sent me a mail, below is a snipet, above is a pic of his Mig and one of his build parties. MAN!! I wish we could get build parties this BIG!!.... Great stuff David.

"I do power combat with the mig but have modified the wing to meet a spec. class that required a 400 sq. in. wing area (SSC) and it flew so well I used the wing for my open class Mig also. The changes have been modified enough along with a midified tail to where I now call it a Mig-3. We made a set of plans that will be ready to post soon and we also ran it by Dave West to get his blessing on the upload and he was happy knowing his plane was still of use to someone. We've done 4 build parties with 14 planes and 1 more with 18. I attached a picture of a group just before a combat (10 migs) and another closeup of mine so you can see...I like Migs too."

Thanx David, keep mailing us!! Sean

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Mike was so nervous about the maiden. It looks like he changed his mind mili-seconds after launching....check...he is trying to grab the plane back.....jokes!!

Well done to Mike on a GREAT maiden flight. Sorry I did not get some stills, but JL Productions were kind enough to extract a few from thier reel. Mike, you may now box Zoom-Zoom for Hermanus. Sean.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Welcome Mike Hagemann.

Mike has built this Mig and will maiden her at Hermanus. He flew there last year and looks forward to flying there again. Well done Mike, she looks GREAT!! Sean.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mig on Slipper.

I received this mini movie in the mail from JL Productions....They normally do WEDDINGS... :-) and said the recession forced them to flex a little....hence the shakey camera work. But hey, its better than listening to John Denver!! :-) Enjoy!! Thanx Johann!....... Sean.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Just one left!!

What must we do to get Mikes Mig in the air?? Can anybody out there give me ideas as to how we can get the Mazda ZOOM-ZOOM to experience some zero gravity?? His is the last one left from the home build to fly. Come on Mike!! Lets make plans for this weekend!!.....Mike!! there??.......??.............. You see, thats what happens when you make a COMBAT plane too pretty,... you dont want to fly it! :-) Sean.

At last.......MAIDEN FLIGHT...!!!!!

After many weeks of fighting the unfair and uncooperative weather, and a number of other obstacles, Ashley and I were able to Maiden our Migs today.......

Not only did we get to maiden them from the Lady's Slipper, we were able to fly them at Maitlands shortly thereafter.........ALL ON ONE DAY......!!!!!!

Ash was up first......after a hairy launch (Dad's sh!t throw)....a few clicks to the right and one click down were all that were needed to get her flying straight and level. Mine was up next, and what a perfect launch....the proverbial homesick angel......
Both aircraft flew beautifully, and we now cannot wait for Hermanus.........Imp's beware!!!!!!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Some of the pilots.

Alain, Daron and Morne at the stix. Alain has just started building a Mig. I will keep you up to date on his progress, maybe he will send us some in-process pics. Alain??
Morne retrieving his Corrostang and assessing the rash with Daron.
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Daron maidens his Mig-7.

Today was a day like few before. Maitlands was on a mission. To prove Murphy does have his say..... again.
Last week when I had time to fly myself DIZZY, there was no wind. But alas, as I am working the entire weekend, she blows like the world is about to end. Well done to Daron, and Gavin, for the successfull maiden flights of their Migs. Seems that Darons Mig has a problem keeps flying inverted..? Must be the pilot, he will deny it, because everything else was good :-)
Morne showed us that a correct CG (balance point) makes a plane fly much better. This after two VERY UNSUCCESSFULL launches. He also showed us that one does not need a mid-air to loose orientation and go full tilt into tera firma. His corrostang came out with little bush-rash. Will post some pics of the stang and Gavins mig. Thanx to JL Productions for bringing the slope to a screen near ME!! Thanx Johann!!....Sean.
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Sunday, November 8, 2009


We are going to do to Hermanus what the JAPS did to Pearl Harbour!! Need I say more??!! :-)

Some more snaps.

Some say my color scheme reminds them of the "bubbles" that form when washing the dishes with Sunlight dishwashing liquid... :-) Some more shots from the maiden flights.

Photo shoot to follow.

We are going to have a photo shoot tonight. It will be all the Mig's built at the home build. Here is a taste of what is to follow. Enjoy, and please comment, even better still, send us some pics of your Dave West designed correx or coroplast Mig and we will post it on the blog. Sean.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

It’s a Mig double maiden

Sean and myself managed to maiden our Mig’s today. The wind was on the lighter side with lift coming and going. But nerverless we managed to get a couple of good flights in.
Johan had fun with his electric hotliner (Zoom), but unfortunately Morne struggled with his corrostang. But never mind just to be up here is a treat.
My maiden went very well. I just needed to dial some up and a little right trim. As they say: build right, fly right ;-)
Bring on Hermanus I am ready!

Finally we are flying again (07-11-2009)

It’s quite a hike, but worth every step.